Sauti Africa
Market Price Data
A developer API and a UI gateway to allow researchers and developers to interact with Sauti Africa's MySQL database in a meaningful way.
Tech Stack: React, Node/Express, postgreSQL, MySQL, Knex
Built out endpoints and function to filter data to be accessed either via API key or through the frontend's data table
Created documentation page with playgrounds for developers and a guide to use the data table for researchers
Built out frontend with React and helped integrate agGrid data table with backend
Salty Hacker News Trolls
Web application created with a cross-functional team of web developers and data scientists that took Hacker News data and applied machine learning to determine a comment's "saltiness."
Tech Stack: React, Node/Express, postgreSQL, SQLite, Knex
Connected backend to data scientist database and set up authentication
Built out endpoints and functions to allow users to save and delete favorite salty comments from their profile
Developed endpoints and functions to allow users to view top salty comments and top salty Hacker News trolls
An interactive Multi-User Dungeon consisting of 100 rooms where users can explore rooms names after countries and see other users in real-time.
Tech Stack: React, React Hooks, SASS, Konva, Django, Heroku, Zeit
Utilized a room generating algorithm in Python
Took on a leadership role learning and guiding the team through a new framework
Deployed the Django server to Heroku and built out additional endpoints
A Mad libs web application for developers.
Tech Stack: React, Redux, Styled Components, SASS, Node/Express
Lead frontend React developer
Built out frontend with React and Redux
Delivered working product despite complications with backend