Sauti Africa
Market Price Data

A developer API and a UI gateway to allow researchers and developers to interact with Sauti Africa's MySQL database in a meaningful way.

Tech Stack: React, Node/Express, postgreSQL, MySQL, Knex

  • Built out endpoints and function to filter data to be accessed either via API key or through the frontend's data table

  • Created documentation page with playgrounds for developers and a guide to use the data table for researchers

  • Built out frontend with React and helped integrate agGrid data table with backend


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Salty Hacker News Trolls

Web application created with a cross-functional team of web developers and data scientists that took Hacker News data and applied machine learning to determine a comment's "saltiness."

Tech Stack: React, Node/Express, postgreSQL, SQLite, Knex

  • Connected backend to data scientist database and set up authentication

  • Built out endpoints and functions to allow users to save and delete favorite salty comments from their profile

  • Developed endpoints and functions to allow users to view top salty comments and top salty Hacker News trolls


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An interactive Multi-User Dungeon consisting of 100 rooms where users can explore rooms names after countries and see other users in real-time.

Tech Stack: React, React Hooks, SASS, Konva, Django, Heroku, Zeit

  • Utilized a room generating algorithm in Python

  • Took on a leadership role learning and guiding the team through a new framework

  • Deployed the Django server to Heroku and built out additional endpoints


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A Mad libs web application for developers.

Tech Stack: React, Redux, Styled Components, SASS, Node/Express

  • Lead frontend React developer

  • Built out frontend with React and Redux

  • Delivered working product despite complications with backend


About Me

I'm based in NYC. I have a degree in Biophysics from Brown University. I love Netflix. I love movies and television.

I enrolled in Lambda School through Jessica Livingston's Summer Hackers Program.

My desire for a better work-life balance while pursuing my artistic goals brought me to tech.


Javascript | HTML | CSS | LESS | SASS

Frontend: React | Redux | React Context API | Semantic UI | Styled Components | RESTful API | Netifly | Zeit | Testing

Backend: Node.js | Express.js | SQL | SQLite | MySQL | postgreSQL | Knex | Jest/Supertest | Heroku

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